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Platinum Solution Partner
Spectrum Groupe

Spectrum Groupe

Avec plus d'une centaine de certifications Atlassian à travers le monde, Spectrum Groupe est votre partenaire de confiance pour mener à bien vos projets de transformation digitale. Notre expertise s'étend sur divers secteurs, aidant nos clients à moderniser leurs méthodes de collaboration et à digitaliser leurs processus avec les meilleures pratiques du Lean & Agile, de l'Agilité à l'échelle, de l'ITSM et du DevOps. Depuis plus d'une décennie, nos équipes ont accompagné plus de 500 clients, allant des startups aux entreprises du classement Fortune 500, vers le succès de leurs projets. Nous nous engageons à atteindre l'excellence opérationnelle et à améliorer les performances de vos équipes. Spectrum Groupe opère à l'échelle mondiale, avec des équipes basées dans plusieurs bureaux de la région EMEA, notamment en France, au Royaume-Uni, au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique. Des entreprises de renommée mondiale telles que Thales, Sony, Bosch, Netflix et Walt Disney font confiance à nos équipes R&D et utilisent nos applications pour Jira, Jira Service Management et Confluence. Faites équipe avec Spectrum Groupe pour transformer votre vision en réalité et bénéficier d'une expertise éprouvée dans la mise en œuvre des solutions Atlassian.
Platinum Solution Partner
Itera Process Consulting

Itera Process Consulting

Itera Process, with over 20 years of experience in IT Business, is a multinational leader in business strategies, digital transformation, and cloud solutions. Founded formally in 2001, it has been involved in numerous projects designing comprehensive solutions that innovate business services and improve IT operations. Specializing in Atlassian consulting and services, Itera Process accelerates business transformation by digitalizing processes and modernizing teamwork with Agile methodologies. Itera Process has been an Atlassian Platinum Partner since 2007, demonstrating its deep knowledge and commitment to excellence in Atlassian solutions. Itera Process achieved Atlassian Cloud specialization on June 20, 2023. This certification validates its extensive knowledge and experience in implementing cloud solutions, enabling them to offer high-quality services and optimization for their clients. Itera Process obtained Atlassian ITSM specialization on April 30, 2024. This specialization recognizes Itera Process's capability to deliver advanced IT service management solutions using Atlassian tools. Their technical expertise and support in scaled agile implementations are unparalleled. Additionally, Itera Process offers training in Atlassian solutions, providing business training and development pathways for work teams, focusing on agile methodologies and best innovation practices. This helps team members become more efficient in project management using Atlassian tools. Itera Process has helped over 200 clients achieve successful business outcomes through efficient collaboration. With a pragmatic approach and a team spirit, Itera ensures solutions that bridge the gap between applications and strategic practices like SAFe® and ITIL.
Platinum Solution Partner
Klee Group

Klee Group

Partenaire Platinum d'Atlassian, Klee Group propose notamment sa practice « Agilité & DevOps » à ses clients pour opérer la transformation agile de leur organisation grâce à une démarche d'accélération de leurs développements : • Conseil et Intégration • Migration Cloud (Server>Cloud, DC>Cloud, Cloud>Cloud) • Mise en place d'ITSM / ESM • Accompagnement sur la migration Cloud • Transformation vers l'Agilité à l'échelle / Coaching Agile • Formations (Produits Atlassian ou apps) • Expertise Atlassian au quotidien • Accompagnement sur le DevOps • Vente de licences Les 950 talents Klee Group imaginent et co-construisent des solutions métier créatrices de valeur. Klee Group réalise 128 millions d'euros de chiffre d'affaires en 2023. Pour découvrir la practice « Agilité & DevOps », rendez-vous sur https://www.kleegroup.com/fr/service/agilite-devops
Platinum Solution Partner
Highway Three Solutions

Highway Three Solutions

We believe that empowering every team is critical to the success of our customers. Our 20+ years of experience provides the expertise for tailored Consulting Services to private and public sector organizations. We are committed to the Atlassian Suite of collaboration products and champion the effectiveness of the jira-engine - it has the power and flexibility to streamline business processes in SMB and Enterprise settings. Our goal is to provide customers with end-to-end support by leveraging the Atlassian tools to deliver on company focussed north-star goals and IT SaaS modernisation initiatives. At Highway Three Solutions, we specialize in providing professional services for clients to migrate their Atlassian on-premise instances to Atlassian Cloud, and we implement customized ITSM solutions by utilizing Jira Service Management (JSM) software. Book a meeting, send us an inquiry, or attend a webinar! We would be happy to work with you and your team.
Platinum Solution Partner
Xeridia S.L.

Xeridia S.L.

Xeridia es una compañía de consultoría tecnológica con un fuerte enfoque en DevOps, ALM (Gestión del Ciclo de Vida de Aplicaciones) y Metodologías Ágiles. Desarrollamos soluciones sobre los productos de Atlassian y proporcionamos servicios orientados a maximizar el valor de los productos de Atlassian para hacer realidad la transformación digital de su negocio. Xeridia es Platinum Solution Partner y lleva trabajando con los productos de Atlassian desde el año 2006, aportando consultoría experta, servicios de implementación y migración, desarrollo de plugins a medida y soporte. Somos un equipo de más de 150 profesionales tecnológicos apasionados e innovadores, que trabajamos con nuestros clientes para adaptarnos a sus necesidades específicas. Nuestro conocimiento y experiencia en las metodologías y mejores prácticas permiten a nuestros clientes obtener el máximo rendimiento de las soluciones Atlassian, ayudándoles a mejorar la productividad de su negocio.
Platinum Solution Partner


Herzum is an international IT consulting company and an Agile and DevOps leader. We have led successful digital transformation of companies of all levels from startup to Fortune-100. Herzum is an Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner with a specialization in ITSM and Cloud, which demonstrates our deep knowledge, extensive experience and consistent, quality services. Herzum’s consultants are on the cutting edge of leading companies through AI transformations. "Everything Atlassian" ™ Herzum’s team of Atlassian certified consultants offer world-class services. Herzum is an Atlassian Platinum Partner and has been a partner since 2005. From small start-ups to large Fortune-100 enterprises, we have helped adopt, install, configure, extend, integrate, and manage all the Atlassian products. With consultants based both in the USA combined with teams near-shore and off-shore, Herzum’s team does “Everything Atlassian” ™. Whether you need solutions for Agile projects, DevOps pipelines, ITSM support or tracking for business teams, Herzum´s certified professionals can guide installation, configuration, optimization and license support for Atlassian. License Service Herzum provides a real person who can answer your questions about licenses and consulting services, separate and apart from Atlassian. If you need price quotes or want to compare prices for different option, the Herzum license team can help instead of having to search the Atlassian website. Herzum can provide discounts on the purchase of Atlassian-related products to most customers. These discounts depend on the product vendor specific licensing approach and the number of user licenses purchased. Herzum is able to provide written quotes, usually with a discount off of list, and complete orders with a PO. Herzum Story Our passion is to help teams succeed through innovation, collaboration and automation. Herzum is proudly a tech-first company; we are driven by technologists and get technicians involved with client throughout an engagement. Modern enterprises expect increased collaboration between IT and business teams. Herzum focuses on best practices that go beyond agile to higher levels of collaboration and innovation. Herzum was founded in Chicago in March 2000. We have teams in Italy, Switzerland, Colombia, Ecuador, and Canada. We continue to expand and plan to open soon in Germany. We were founded by Peter Herzum after the success of his best-selling book, Business Component Factory.
Platinum Solution Partner
Forty8Fifty Labs, a Verinext Company

Forty8Fifty Labs, a Verinext Company

Forty8Fifty Labs is the company that innovates to create your differentiation. A wholly owned subsidiary of Verinext, Forty8Fifty Labs specializes in software engineering, data analytics and AI, intelligent automation and Atlassian solutions to empower enterprises to innovate and operate at the speed of business. The company's passionate, experienced team is hyper-focused on helping customers set themselves apart for a competitive advantage. Operating across four interlocking principles – build, modernize, manage and secure – Forty8Fifty Labs delivers modern technology solutions for today's digital business. For more information, visit forty8fiftylabs.com.
Platinum Solution Partner
Gruppo Euris Spa

Gruppo Euris Spa

Platinum Solution Partner
XALT Business Consulting GmbH

XALT Business Consulting GmbH

Ihr Co-Pilot für die digitale Transformation in Sachen DevOps, ITSM, Self Services, Process Mining, Intranet, AI In der sich ständig wandelnden Landschaft der digitalen Technologien steht XALT als Ihr verlässlicher Partner an Ihrer Seite. Unser Ansatz "Elevate, Execute, Empower" hebt uns von anderen Anbietern ab, indem wir nicht nur Lösungen implementieren, sondern Unternehmen auf ihrer Reise der digitalen Transformation begleiten und unterstützen. Warum XALT? Elevate: Unser Prozess beginnt mit einer tiefgreifenden Analyse Ihrer Unternehmensziele. Durch unsere strategische Beratung bieten wir nicht nur maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, sondern inspirieren auch mit innovativer Technologie, die Ihr Unternehmen auf das nächste Level hebt. Execute: Bei XALT setzen wir auf die Implementierung von zielführenden, hoch automatisierten Lösungen, die weit über das Standardangebot hinausgehen. Unser Fokus liegt darauf, die kognitive Belastung der Mitarbeitenden zu reduzieren und gleichzeitig Effizienz und Produktivität zu steigern. Empower: Die Benutzerakzeptanz steht im Mittelpunkt unserer Philosophie. Durch effektives Änderungsmanagement stellen wir sicher, dass die von uns implementierten Lösungen nicht nur akzeptiert, sondern auch geliebt und optimal genutzt werden. Unser Versprechen Wir legen großen Wert auf die Beziehung zu unseren Kunden. Mit XALT zu arbeiten, ist, als hätte man ein zusätzliches Teammitglied, das sich wie ein Teil der eigenen Mannschaft anfühlt. Es gibt nicht diese typische, unangenehme Dienstleister-Kunden-Atmosphäre. Unser Ziel ist es, Sie nicht nur zu unterstützen, sondern als Co-Pilot auf Ihrer Reise der digitalen Transformation zu fungieren. Unsere Expertise Mit renommierten Großkunden in unserem Portfolio verstehen wir die Herausforderungen und Bedürfnisse unterschiedlichster Branchen. Unsere enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem Atlassian-Team zeigt, dass wir die Lösungen an die spezifischen Anforderungen unserer Kunden anpassen, um echten Mehrwert zu bieten. Der Unterschied liegt im 'Warum' Bei XALT glauben wir, dass Technologie allein nicht ausreicht. Es ist das "Warum" dahinter, das den Unterschied macht. Wir streben danach, Ihr Unternehmen nicht nur technologisch zu transformieren, sondern auch eine Kultur der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung und Innovation zu fördern. Entdecken Sie mit XALT eine Partnerschaft, die weit über die traditionelle Kundenbeziehung hinausgeht. Gemeinsam gestalten wir die Zukunft Ihres Unternehmens.
Platinum Solution Partner
Catch Software

Catch Software

With over 18 years of experience, Catch Software is your trusted partner for Atlassian product support. With certified experts in Jira, Jira Service Management, Confluence, Atlassian Cloud migrations and Training, Catch supports all of Atlassian's product toolchain. Catch partners with customers globally, transforming businesses by providing technical services across the Atlassian tool suite, and integrating with our test tool Enterprise Tester. As a Microsoft Partner, we also provide Enterprise level hosting of all Atlassian applications in our Catch Cloud, including specialist secure cloud. As an Atlassian Platinum Partner we have been meeting the Atlassian partner requirements around skills and expertise since 2005. We have 20 years of experience that scales from the smallest organizations to large government and enterprise customers. Catch is focused on Atlassian solutions. We have the experience and capability to manage a wide range of implementations, managed solutions, support requirements, and customer-specific solutions. We are proud to be Atlassian ITSM and Cloud specialized and are here to advise you on the best options for your business when migrating to Atlassian Cloud. Ensure a smooth transition with guidance from our team of Atlassian specialized experts. Our base is Auckland, New Zealand, but we are privileged to work with some of the brightest and largest enterprises around the world. If you'd like to join them, then get in touch with us.
Platinum Solution Partner
SmartView (Chrysalis)

SmartView (Chrysalis)

SmartView is a French company focused on Agile coaching, Enterprise 2.0, Collaboration and Business Intelligence. We deploy Atlassian products to support our consulting activities, and have a deep expertise in the software development area. We help you to setup, configure and take benefit of the Atlassian suite by involving the whole team.