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Gold Solution Partner


Chez Teolia, nous vous accompagnons de la phase d'audit jusqu'au support, en passant évidemment par différentes étapes, vente de licences, implémentation, conseil et formation. Nous sommes bien plus que des experts outillages, nous sommes avant tout des experts de l'agilité, de l'agilité à l'échelle, d'ITIL, du DevOps ou encore de l'ITSM. Notre démarche : partir de l'ADN client, identifier les pain points ainsi que les attentes et mettre en œuvre le dispositif pour réussir une transformation.
Gold Solution Partner
Ovations Technologies Pty LTD

Ovations Technologies Pty LTD

Ovations is a leading force in Hyper-Automation, digital transformation, and people enablement. We specialise in driving strategic change through integrated technology solutions, emphasizing the crucial alignment of technology, processes, and people for seamless business operations. With our deep expertise in the technological domain, we hold a unique position to influence and lead in an ever-evolving landscape. We leverage this advantage not only to drive business success but also to effect societal change, aiming for the empowerment of all individuals. Our commitment to innovation, collaboration, and inclusivity underscores everything we do. We strive to provide cutting-edge solutions that empower businesses and individuals to thrive in the digital age. At Ovations, we're not just shaping the future; we're actively creating it, one transformative solution at a time. Our purpose is to create positive internal and external change through innovation and excellence. How we do that is what makes our team exceptional. E=MC² is our formula to success Excellence in Execution = Masterful Contribution & Commitment At Ovations, we ensure that excellence and enablement are at the core of everything we do and in every member of our team – from design, development and execution to business value realisation, and of course, in the relationships with our Clients. Our Service Offerings: •Free Atlassian cloud Migration Assessments. •Digital Transformation. •Software Upgrades and Renewals. •Atlassian Migrations to Cloud. •Atlassian Environment Consolidations. •Atlassian Environment Support, Maintenance and Administration. •Atlassian Service Desk Services. •Atlassian Technical Advisory Services •Atlassian Ad-hoc engagements or Fixed Budget engagements •Atlassian Marketplace Plugin Support •Scriptrunner groovy code maintenance and development.
Gold Solution Partner
Digital China Cloud Technology Limited

Digital China Cloud Technology Limited

从2000年成立伊始,神州数码以“数字中国”为使命,锐意变革,砥砺前行,始终坚持以全球领先科技和自主创新核心技术赋能产业数字化转型和数字经济发展。致力于成为领先的数字化转型合作伙伴,神州数码围绕企业数字化转型的关键要素,开创性的提出“数云融合”战略和技术体系框架,着力在云原生、数字原生、数云融合关键技术和信创产业上架构产品和服务能力,为处在不同数字化转型阶段的快消零售、汽车、金融、医疗、政企、教育、运营商等行业客户提供泛在的敏捷IT能力和融合的数据驱动能力,构建跨界融合创新的数字业务场景和新业务模式,助力企业级客户建立面向未来的核心能力和竞争优势,全面推动社会的数字化、智能化转型升级。 关于神州数码企业云业务集团(CBG) 神州数码企业云业务集团(CBG)成立于2015年,是神州数码集团股份有限公司(简称:神州数码,股票代码: 000034.SZ)“数云融合”战略的重要承载者。 承载神州数码“数字中国”初心以及“成为领先的数字化转型合作伙伴”愿景,企业云业务集团(CBG)始终坚持以全球领先科技和自主创新核心技术赋能产业数字化转型和数字经济发展,坚定推进“数云融合”战略,围绕着数据资产的累积,致力于为客户提供全面的数云融合解决方案、产品和服务,以数字化的力量赋能千行百业数字化转型升级。 企业云业务集团(CBG)业务布局 IT基础设施 神州数码企业云业务集团(CBG)与500多家全球顶尖供应商、国内优秀厂商展开多维深度合作,持续打造企业级基础设施软硬件产品及服务资源池,响应各行业数字化基础设施产品及服务需求; 积极推动自主创新,依托神州云科、云科通明湖两大自主品牌,构建覆盖应用交付、超融合、服务器、控制器存储、数据库一体机、容器一体机等在内的系列软硬件一体化产品,形成了完备的云端一体化产品方案矩阵。其中,神州云科应用交付产品位列IDC《2023年Q1应用交付市场跟踪报告》国产应用交付产品TOP2。 持续深化与阿里云、亚马逊云科技、微软智能云、华为云等主流云厂商的合作,积极拓展CNCF、开放原子开源基金会、极狐GitLab等国内外优秀开源机构的合作,多次获得IDC、Gartner、Forrester等国际权威机构认可,在IDC《中国云运维管理服务市场(2022上半年)跟踪》报告中位列TOP2。 数云产品及服务 神州数码企业云业务集团(CBG)锚定数据要素价值与全生命周期安全,可提供以TDMP数据脱敏系统为代表的数据安全产品、以云原生大数据平台为代表的数据开发产品、以Bluenic客户数据平台为代表的数据分析产品、以IoT平台/DMBus设备管理总线为代表的数据采集产品、以统一云管平台为代表的云管理系统、以神州视讯为代表的视讯平台、以神州问学smart vision为代表的自研人工智能平台等在内的数十款数云产品,为处在不同数字化转型阶段的行业企业,提供基于云的敏捷业务应变能力和基于数据的数字业务驱动能力,帮助客户实现数据资产的累积,从而构建第二增长曲线。同时,企业云业务集团(CBG)可针对基础架构、云、数据、应用、安全五大领域提供全面的咨询、开发、运维、运营、培训等全栈服务能力,并且叠加云原生架构能力,打造“MSP+”服务新模式,帮助客户从云到端构建省心的全流程服务。 场景解决方案 神州数码企业云业务集团(CBG)不仅能够为汽车、零售快消等行业提供精准营销赋能,并且还能够为智能制造、供应链、经营分析等提供控制塔管理流程和工具,更能够为千行百业提供数据治理、软件定制开发、行业应用开发等行业定制化解决方案,助力客户在数字化转型深水区实现业务创新与业务发展的价值诉求。 企业云业务集团(CBG)客户覆盖 截至目前,神州数码企业云业务集团(CBG)的客户覆盖汽车、零售快消、政企、金融、医药、制造、互联网等各行各业的龙头企业,已成为众多跨国公司和国内企业客户的首选云服务商以及长期优选数字化服务商。 集聚数字化的力量,神州数码企业云业务集团(CBG)将秉承初心,坚持“理念领先、技术领先、实践领先”,以贴近客户场景的卓越数字化技术、产品、服务为载体,持续推动全社会数字化进程,引领数字经济发展。
Gold Solution Partner


Silver Solution Partner
Abacus Consulting Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Abacus Consulting Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Since 1987, Abacus has pioneered the business transformation services industry in Pakistan. Over our 30-year journey, we have evolved through a focus on building deep partnerships with global leaders and sustained investment in widening our global reach. We are passionate about being partners to our clients, as advisors, consultants, technology specialists, systems integrators and outsourcers. For the people at Abacus, fulfilment is seeing our clients transform into truly great organizations.
Gold Solution Partner
Information Officer Pte Ltd

Information Officer Pte Ltd

Since 2006, DevOps leaders in Silicon Valley combining Infrastructure Consulting, Agile Software Development, and Application Hosting for Atlassian software. We have helped internet startups, large and small companies, non-profits, and software development teams configure, migrate, integrate, maintain, tune and host all Atlassian products.
Gold Solution Partner
Athena Bilişim Çözümleri A.Ş.

Athena Bilişim Çözümleri A.Ş.

ATHENA is an IT company, a Gold Atlassian partner, established in 2006 and providing country-wide IT services. We offer services focused mainly in enterprise solutions and custom development areas with strong experience, expert consultancy teams and 100+ project success stories. ATHENA plays an active role in end-to-end Atlassian solutions, including subscription sales, renewal and upgrades, configuration, migrations, custom development, training and integration. If you consider any of the Atlassian solutions, then please reach out to our professionals for a prompt response.
Gold Solution Partner


Henix, fondée en 1999, est une ESN Pure Player en Qualité Logicielle accompagnant ses clients publics et privés via ses trois activités : Services, Formation et Édition. Henix est Solution Partner et Marketplace Partner d'Atlassian depuis plusieurs années. Notre mission est de développer des outils et des services pour vous aider à structurer votre transition numérique et maîtriser votre patrimoine applicatif. Nos domaines d'expertise couvrent l'ensemble des facettes de la Qualité Logicielle, tout au long du cycle de vie logiciel, et intègrent les questions d'agilité et d'agilité à l'échelle, ainsi que celles de l'intégration continue et du déploiement continu (voir nos offres), jusqu'aux niches suivantes : • Maturité numérique, Test et DevOps • Outillage des tests, tests agiles, Agile @Scale / SAFe • Centre de Services outillé • Build, MCO et gestion d’Usines de développement, de Test et d’Usines Logicielles • Automatisation des tests fonctionnels et TRA Nous vous apportons notre expertise en stratégie, outillage & industrialisation des tests en mettant en œuvre les produits de l’écosystème Atlassian dans un objectif de performance optimale et de maturation de votre SI. Notre centre de services outillé Atlassian, nos consultants et experts certifiés Atlassian assurent notamment les activités de : • Gestion de licences, • Choix et mises en place des solutions, • MCO, • Support technique et fonctionnel, • Formation, • Expertise & conseil, • Méthodologie. Henix est présent sur la Marketplace en tant qu'éditeur de la suite logicielle Open source Squash. Pensée pour les testeurs, Squash est l'application idéale pour concevoir et gérer les tests fonctionnels et automatisés de façon professionnelle. De plus, elle s'intègre avec la plupart des outils utilisés par votre équipe de développement pour un partage efficient des informations en temps réel. Le plugin Xsquash permet de constituer les tests à partir des exigences issues de Jira puis constituer les tests (manuels comme automatisés, avec un workflow spécifique), suivre les campagnes d'exécution et enfin référencer les éventuels bugs détectés (voir les Vidéos).
Gold Solution Partner
Globant LLC

Globant LLC

We are a digitally native company that helps organizations reinvent themselves and unleash their potential. We are the place where innovation, design, and engineering meet scale. • We have more than 29,000 employees and are present in 33 countries across 5 continents, working for companies like Google, Electronic Arts, and Santander, among others. • We were named a Worldwide Leader in AI Services (2023) and Worldwide Leader in CX Improvement Services (2020) by IDC MarketScape report. • We are the fastest-growing IT brand and the 5th strongest IT brand globally (2024), according to Brand Finance. • We were also featured as a business case study at Harvard, MIT, and Stanford. • We are active members of The Green Software Foundation (GSF) and the Cybersecurity Tech Accord. At Globant we do things differently. We blend engineering, innovation, and design with a unique approach to enable business reinvention. By focusing on what our clients really need we are able to design profound transformations that go beyond digital - moving our clients' business forward and preparing them for the future.
Gold Solution Partner


VIDSCOLA is the leading regional provider of end-to-end agile transformation services in the Middle East and Africa Region. At VIDSCOLA, we believe that the synergy between efficient processes, cutting-edge digital tools, and innovative work methodologies is key to unlocking true business value. Our holistic approach ensures that every aspect of our partner clients' operations works together seamlessly to drive growth and achieve exceptional results. Established in 2011, VIDSCOLA is now the go-to organization for comprehensive agile transformation services. From business discovery & processes assessment to transformation planning, to execution, VIDSCOLA consistently provides a fully-fledged set of agile and Atlassian tools services of the highest quality to its clients.
Gold Solution Partner
EEA, part of BiQ Group (SK)

EEA, part of BiQ Group (SK)

We are your trusted partner in digital transformation! EEA, part of BiQ Group is proud holder of a partnership with Atlassian, the leading global provider of tools for team collaboration and project management. Our close collaboration with Atlassian enables us to offer top-notch services and products that empower your business and ensure your competitiveness. Moreover, we are partners of Xray, Exalate, and Tempo, allowing us to provide cutting-edge solutions in software testing, synchronization between different platforms, and time tracking and resource planning. Our comprehensive services encompass: 🛠️ Atlassian consultations: Our experts will help you create optimized solutions that meet your needs and goals. 📚 Atlassian training: We provide training and educational courses to ensure your employees have the latest knowledge and skills to leverage the potential of Atlassian tools. 🔐 Atlassian licenses: We are your partners in securing licenses that are most suitable and efficient for your business. 🌐 Cloud/DataCenter migrations: We assist you in transitioning to cloud or DataCenter solutions to make your environment more flexible and resilient. 🔗 Systems integration: We integrate your existing systems and tools with solutions from Atlassian, increasing the efficiency and synchronization of your processes. With confidence in our expertise and specialization in the Atlassian ecosystem, we will help you achieve your business goals and ensure the success of your projects. Let us be your partner on the road to digital success! 🌐💼