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Gold Solution Partner
PrimeUp Soluções em TI

PrimeUp Soluções em TI

A PrimeUp é uma parceira Gold da Atlassian, especializada em ajudar empresas de todos os portes a maximizar o potencial das soluções Atlassian para alcançar seus objetivos de negócio. Com uma equipe de especialistas experientes e apaixonados pela Atlassian, a PrimeUp oferece uma ampla gama de serviços, desde implementação e configuração de ferramentas até treinamento, suporte e otimização de processos. Somos uma empresa de Software Economics especializada em produtos e serviços de engenharia de software e segurança. Unimos pessoas com conhecimento técnico e científico para entregar tecnologia com excelência e proximidade com o negócio de nossos clientes. Para nós, Software Economics na prática é tratar a Engenharia de Software como um assunto também econômico. É gerar mais valor para o seu negócio, entregando tecnologia com qualidade, segurança e confiabilidade, trazendo as melhores práticas com inovação e agilidade.
Gold Solution Partner
JDS Australia Pty Ltd

JDS Australia Pty Ltd

Established in 2003, JDS Australia ensures IT platforms and systems are secure, available, and performing as required by enterprises and their customers. JDS focuses on Observability (IT Monitoring), Security, Service Management, and Automation as areas that enterprises and government departments need to increase the value of their investments. With an entirely local team of around 100 employees, JDS has the trusted skills and experience to ensure IT works and Australian business carries on. As a Gold Solution Partner, JDS is proud to collaborate with Atlassian as a fellow home-grown Australian organisation. JDS brings a wealth of expertise in the Atlassian toolset, tailoring client-specific solutions, as well as helping our customers to navigate licensing, support, migration, and customisation to get the most out of their software investment.
Gold Solution Partner


TestCrew is a Global provider specialized in Software Quality & Testing services. We have intensive expertise in testing across various industries, corporate and government. We deliver service of quality, that makes you confident about your product. We provide valuable & smart feedback to satisfy and enable customers to get the highest customer satisfaction. Our various Testing services are offered by our professional ISTQB certified Crew members. They are talented and bring different types of testing skillsets: Functional Testing, User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Integration Testing, Performance Testing, Cybersecurity Testing , Automation Testing and Integration testing for web services and API?s. We also offer various Quality services that include Automation / Performance Engineering.
Gold Solution Partner
Medialine AG

Medialine AG

Als Full-Service IT-Systemhaus steht die Medialine AG für maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für den Mittelstand. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren verlassen sich Kunden auf Expertise und Know-how in den Bereichen IT Infrastruktur, Managed & Cloud Services sowie Business Solutions. Heute betreut die Medialine AG hunderte mittelständische und große Unternehmen mit Premium IT-Services. Durch die bundesweite Ausrichtung profitieren die Kunden von einem engen Netz von Vertriebs- und Technikressourcen, mit der eine optimale Servicebetreuung vor Ort ermöglicht wird. Weitere Informationen: www.medialine.ag
Gold Solution Partner
SYPAQ Systems Pty Ltd

SYPAQ Systems Pty Ltd

Since 1992, SYPAQ has been creating a world that works by providing advanced management and technology consulting, systems integration and software application development and support services across a broad range of technologies in several industry sectors including Defence and Aerospace, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), State and Federal Government, and Private Enterprise. We have a proven track record implementing and optimising Atlassian tailored to our clients needs. SYPAQ is able to provide expert advice and support for the full range of Atlassian products, including Confluence, Jira, Jira Software, Portfolio for Jira, Jira Service Desk, Bamboo, BitBucket and Crowd, with services including planning and implementation of new installations, review and optimisation of existing installations, provision and management of licenses, training and mentoring tailored to organisational needs, and review and optimisation of organisational and software development processes. SYPAQ has access to a wide range of Australian Federal and State government panels, making it simple for government departments to engage our services, along with key personnel suitable to work on the most sensitive of projects for selected customers.
Gold Solution Partner
Vericode Tecnologia Ltda

Vericode Tecnologia Ltda

A Vericode é uma consultoria de engenharia de software, especialista em computação de alto desempenho. Com mais 15 anos de experiência no mercado, somos especializados em QA, metodologias ágeis, automação de testes e RPA, otimização de aplicações, arquitetura e infraestrutura com foco em melhoria de performance, capacidade, disponibilidade, resiliência e transformação digital das aplicações de clientes. Como podemos te ajudar. Oferecemos um serviço completo e personalizado – desde a consultoria, suporte até manutenção das soluções Atlassian – além de: • Acelerar a transformação digital do seu negócio • Escalar seu negócio com mínimo esforço do time interno • Oferecer expertise técnica para a implementação das soluções Atlassian na sua empresa • Migração do Atlassian Server para Cloud • Integração de soluções Atalssian com outras ferramentas • Projetos especiais • Alocação de profissionais Entre em contato conosco!
Gold Solution Partner
LTIMindtree Limited

LTIMindtree Limited

LTI (NSE: LTI) is a global technology consulting and digital solutions Company helping more than 300 clients succeed in a converging world. With operations in 30 countries, we go the extra mile for our clients and accelerate their digital transformation with LTI?s MosaicTM platform enabling their mobile, social, analytics, IoT and cloud journeys. Founded in 1997 as a subsidiary of Larsen & Toubro Limited, our unique heritage gives us unrivaled real-world expertise to solve the most complex challenges of enterprises across all industries. Each day, our team of more than 25,000 LTItes enable our clients to improve the effectiveness of their business and technology operations, and deliver value to their customers, employees and shareholders.
Gold Solution Partner
GxP Incorporated. (株式会社GxP)

GxP Incorporated. (株式会社GxP)

株式会社GxPは、アトラシアン製品を通してお客様を発展させるためのベストプラクティスをご提供いたします。 十数年にわたるアトラシアンのソリューションパートナーとしての経験と豊富なシステム開発経験を活かし、現場に寄り添った活用コンサルティングやセミナーを行います。 アトラシアン製品のご相談はもちろん、最適な開発プロセスの策定、アジャイル開発の導入・促進など、お気軽にGxPにご相談ください。 (2022年4月にグループ会社であるGraatよりGxPに業務移管いたしました。)
Gold Solution Partner


Our company since 2004 is a developer of information systems and software products on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As Atlassian Experts, InformConsulting provides services and products to customers that need the ability to develop great software rapidly and enhance collaboration in their organizations.
Gold Solution Partner
BTC Business Technology Consulting AG

BTC Business Technology Consulting AG

Wir glauben an starke Teams, die Lösungen für eine intelligentere Welt schaffen Wir sind mehr als die Summe vieler IT-Expert*innen, Berater*innen, Software-Entwickler*innen und Systemadministrator*innen. Und wir sind mehr als ein herkömmliches IT-Unternehmen. Unsere Stärke sind bereichsübergreifende Teams, die zusammen mit den Fachexperten unserer Kunden intelligente und nachhaltige Lösungen schaffen! Wir begleiten Energieunternehmen in der Energiewende, gestalten die digitale Transformation in Industrie & Dienstleistung mit, führen Kommunen ins digitale Zeitalter und sind überall da der richtige Ansprechpartner, wo IT den entscheidenden Unterschied macht. Wir begeistern uns für Innovationsthemen und gestalten mit unseren Fachkolleg*innen die digitale Zukunft aktiv mit. Dabei setzen wir auf frische Marktangänge, automatisierte Prozesse und digitale Geschäftsmodelle. Die Basis unseres Erfolgs sind unsere Mitarbeiter*innen. Unser Credo: Starke Teams für starke Lösungen. Unser Anspruch ist es, immer einen Schritt vorauszudenken. Wir arbeiten an und mit modernen Technologien für beste Ergebnisse, sind stets motiviert neue Lösungsansätze auszuprobieren und zu entdecken. Für uns stehen Beratung und Dienstleistung an erster Stelle – stets in partnerschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit auf Augenhöhe. Mit Atlassian in die Zukunft starten Als Atlassian Silber Solution Partner bieten wir Ihnen die Atlassian Softwarelösungen mit einem Höchstmaß an Flexibilität für eine agile, skalierbare und hochverfügbare Toollandschaft an und begleiten Sie bedarfsgerecht auf Ihrem individuellen Weg. Darum BTC - Unsere Kernkompetenzen • Umfassende Beratung und Einführung der Atlassian Produkte • Workshops und Schulungen für Anwender:innen • Atlassian Support im laufenden Betrieb: Langfristige Betreuung und Übernahme von Supporttätigkeiten gemäß den Anforderungen des Kunden • Betrieb der Umgebungen inklusive der erforderlichen Sicherungen, Updates, und Security Patches. • Weiterentwicklung der Umgebung entsprechend der Kundenanforderungen • Unterstützung bei der Wahl des richtigen Lizenzmodells und langfristige Verwaltung Ihrer Lizenzen • Umfassender Test und Health Check Ihrer Umgebung nach abgeschlossener Migration und Schulung der Anwender:innen • Unterstützung bei fachlichen, rechtlichen und technischen Aufgaben zur Einführung der Atlassian Cloud Produkte • Schrittweise Bewertung, Planung und Vorbereitung von Cloud-Migrationen • Dauerhafte Optimierung der SaaS Kosten mit monatlichen und jährlichen Abrechnungsmöglichkeiten
Gold Solution Partner
Ancud IT-Beratung GmbH

Ancud IT-Beratung GmbH

Ancud IT offers next generation digital solutions for companies. We combine digital innovation and experience. Together with our customers we design the path into a successful and sustainable future. Being Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner we can offer yearlong experience optimizing Atlassian applications according to many customers demands.